SIA 2022, Awards of impact investing

We are facing climate, social and world governance emergencies. To deal with it, there are hundreds of impact investment projects that have made and will continue to make the difference.

Now more than ever, it is a priority to highlight those impact investment projects that can help lead by example towards a sustainable future. This is what the SIA Awards for impact investment are all about. “Sustainable Investment in Action” was created to bring recognition, commitment and financial support to impact projects, run by investors, and thus encourage new initiatives.

Concrete projects led by European investment leaders are recognized through the SIA Awards, presented in 8 categories based on the United Nations’ SDGs.

They will be awarded at the Finance & Impact conference organized by Option Finance in May 2022 in Paris. A second conference will certainly follow in Germany in partnership with Börsen Zeitung and other plans are being discussed in other countries in Europe.

If you are involved in impact projects that are more than one year old and supported by at least one European investor, you will be able to present them from September 2022 for the next edition.

Participating not only means benefiting from the communication plan of SIA’s media partners and reaching an audience of over 500 responsible investment professionals at the Paris conference, it also means joining the group of impact investors who will inspire future generations !

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